Python in Minecraft 9 – railway track
To add railway track we need to have some normal rail and some powered rail. Next to every section of powered rail we need to provide a redstone torch.
First we define the items which are not defined in mcpi.block yet
RAIL = block.Block(66) RAIL_POWERED = block.Block(27) TORCH_REDSTONE = block.Block(76)
We are already placing a plain torch every 4 blocks. Now we want to place a redstone torch every 4 blocks but offset by 2. Next to the redstone torch we want two pieces of powered rail, at positions 1 and 2. The rest of the rail is normal rail. This code goes in the second loop where the full tunnel profile is created.
if x % 4 == 2: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z+1,,5) if x % 4 == 1 or x % 4 == 2: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z,RAIL_POWERED) else: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z,RAIL)
Here is a screenshot showing the railway track in the tunnel.
Here is the full code.
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block mc=minecraft.Minecraft.create() XMIN = -400 # x value at one end of tunnel. XMAX = -200 # x value at other end of tunnel. Must be greater than XMIN GROUND = 72 # y position of tunnel at each end FLOOR = 10 # minimum value of y at bottom of tunnel ZPOS = -244 # z position for full length of tunnel TAIL = 10 # length of horizontal at each end of tunnel # Define blocks currently missing from mcpi.block STAIRS_STONE = block.Block(109) RAIL = block.Block(66) RAIL_POWERED = block.Block(27) TORCH_REDSTONE = block.Block(76) # constants for tunnelvertical function kx = (XMAX + XMIN) / 2 ky = GROUND + TAIL - (XMAX - XMIN) / 2 # tunnelvertical returns a vertical position of the tunnel # for each value of the x position (eastposition) def tunnelvertical(eastposition): y = abs(eastposition - kx) + ky if y < FLOOR: return FLOOR if y > GROUND: return GROUND return y # set the z coordinate for the tunnel which doesn't change for the full length z = ZPOS # Initial loop to create a route made of solid glass with a stone base for x in range(XMIN,XMAX+1): y = tunnelvertical(x) mc.setBlocks(x,y,z-2,x,y+6,z+2,block.GLASS) mc.setBlocks(x,y,z-1,x,y,z+1,block.STONE) # Initialise previous value of y so can determine if stairs going up or down yprev = tunnelvertical(XMIN) # Second loop to convert solid glass into a tunnel for x in range(XMIN+1,XMAX): y = tunnelvertical(x) # replace centre glass with air to make it a tunnel mc.setBlocks(x,y+1,z-1,x,y+5,z+1,block.AIR) # place a torch every 4 positions to light the tunnel # variation 5 = torch facing up # every 4 blocks # pos 0: rail and normal torch # pos 1: powered rail # pos 2: powered rail and redstone torch # pos 3: rail if x % 4 == 0: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z+1,,5) if x % 4 == 2: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z+1,,5) if x % 4 == 1 or x % 4 == 2: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z,RAIL_POWERED) else: mc.setBlock(x,y+1,z,RAIL) # check if stairs are going up or down if y > yprev: # variation 0 = stairs ascending to the east mc.setBlock(x,y,z-1,,0) if y < yprev: # variation 1 = stairs ascending to the west mc.setBlock(x-1,yprev,z-1,,1) yprev=y